One man’s trash, another man’s treasure Email
Tuesday, February 07, 2017 06:00 AM

Godi barn thumbnailThis was the case with two ALCC members—Don Godi, Donald H. Godi & Associates and Joe DiBlasi, JKJ Lawn Sprinklers. Godi had a very old and distressed garage building on the back of his property. To him, it was an eyesore. But for DiBlasi, it was a treasure trove of wood for his company’s off-season craft business turning rustic wood into American and Colorado flags he and his wife sell at summer arts and crafts shows.

Godi wanted to get rid of the garage and DiBlasi wanted wood. Such a deal for both. They shook hands on it while DiBlasi was still in the middle of fall blow-outs. By December, there was a decent sunny day when DiBlasi’s team showed up for the demo. Soon, their trailer was piled high with planks of wood to be recycled into flags and Godi’s eyesore was gone and better still, not headed to the landfill.

At the end of the day, each one had done a favor for the other—and had they not known one another through ALCC, their win/win deal would not have happened. DiBlasi, an ALCC Sustainable Landscape Partner and military vet has long been repurposing wood from customer’s old fences for the company’s flag project. He also donates a portion of the proceeds to help veterans. Godi, also a vet, says knowing this detail made their deal “even sweeter.”

See part of the demo in this video:

Read more in this issue of Colorado Green NOW:
State bill fact sheet: Revised Definition of Commercial Motor Vehicle
Four tips for networking success
Handling alcohol or drug impairment on the job
Hardscape gains credibility