ALCC/GreenCO Advocacy

Other than the weather, nothing affects your business more than the government. Whether water law changes, new fees for business or vehicle registrations, immigration or workers’ compensation mandates, ALCC watches this information at the state capitol and in Washington, DC.

GreenCO 2024 Legislative Priorities

Through GreenCO, ALCC advocates for members and the industry at the state legislature. 

The following policy issues will be closely monitored by GreenCO lobbyists on behalf of ALCC during the 2024 session. There will be additional issues that will come up, and these will be identified by ALCC representatives in the GreenCO Legislative Committee meetings. (Follow them in real time at

The 2nd Regular Session of the 74th General Assembly adjourned on May 9th. Hicks & Associates is pleased to present this report on the activities of the legislature in 2024. Session Overview: The 2024 Legislative Session convened on January 10th. Despite over 100 bills being introduced on day one, primarily from interim committees, the session started slowly, with the first committee hearings taking a few weeks to commence. In the initial week, speeches from leadership in both chambers and the Governor’s State of the State address outlined priorities for the session. With Democrats holding the majority in both chambers and the Governor’s office, there was a strong alignment on issues such as workforce development, education, cost of living/housing, water, public safety, and climate change.

Read full report here - 2024 End of Session GreenCO.pdf ( 

2024 ALCC Platinum Sponsors