2017 Colorado Landscape Industry Certification recap Email
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 06:00 AM


Landscape Industry Certified TechnicianIt was a strong year for the Landscape Industry Certification program in Colorado. ALCC administered 324* written tests and hands-on tests in 2017. Highlights from those candidates include:

  • 43 candidates achieved certification.
  • There were 57 companies represented among the total number of testers.
  • Three candidates received their certification on the first try—they passed both written and hands-on tests on their first attempt.
  • One candidate received two certifications at the same time.

These accomplishments are a promising sign for the future of Colorado’s landscape profession.

In order to administer the exams, ALCC relies on volunteers—experienced landscape professionals who are often certified themselves—who gave more than 600 hours to make the testing possible. 10 proctors and translators were needed to administer the written tests across the state including three tests in the Southern Chapter, two in the Northern Chapter, and one in the Western Chapter. 87 volunteers served as judges for hands-on testing for two testing opportunities in 2017.

A volunteer certification committee will discuss the 2017 test, recommend changes, and plan to implement NALP’s updated exam in 2018.

*This number does not represent the total number of candidates for the year, as some candidates test multiple times and take both written and hands-on tests in the same year.








































































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