Opportunities to get involved

Associations like ALCC are successful because of the many volunteer hours donated by its hardworking members. Opportunities to volunteer are wide and varied – from busy, standing committees that meet monthly to small, micro-volunteering opportunities. Regardless of your abilities or available time, we have something for everyone. There are numerous advantages that come from volunteering your time and skills. A few of these include honing leadership skills, developing lasting relationships and even helping to shape the future of the industry. Get the most from your membership and volunteer today! 

Sign Up to Volunteer

Descriptions of our volunteer opportunities are below. To learn more and sign up to participate email the ALCC staff member listed with the committee or call them at 303 757-5611. Most committees meet at least quarterly. Or simply complete and submit the Volunteer Sign Up form.

State Board of Directors 

The state board is the foundation of the association's leadership, working for the membership of ALCC to oversee ongoing association operations and set and implement a strategic plan. Serving two-year terms, board members act as a unified leadership team for the association and are expected to actively and diligently represent the interests of ALCC members at the expense of other interests. Nominate someone to the board by contacting John McMahon.

LatiKnows Committee

ALCC has made it a priority to attract and engage more Latinos, including both Latino-owned businesses and Latino employees across the industry, and established a committee. Many Latino businesses are small and business owners could use information to help scale their businesses. Information and education are key to helping grow Latino businesses and encourage more to see the opportunities available in the green industry. The Latino community will be stronger when people grow together by networking and partnering with others. Contact ALCC at [email protected].

Women In Green Committee

ALCC’s Women in Green Committee was established to address recruitment and training of women for landscape industry careers. The first two meetings were focused on surveying ALCC members, specifically women working in the industry to learn about their work, needs unique to them, challenges, training desires and career goals. They will also survey ALCC company owners and managers, most of whom are men, to find out whether they currently employ women and in what roles, and their collective interest level in recruiting women to their companies. Contact ALCC at [email protected].

Legislative Committee 

A joint ALCC/GreenCO committee, this group addresses statewide legislation and laws, and gives you the opportunity to represent the entire green industry before the state legislature. The committee crafts legislative strategies, analyzes bills in the legislature to determine support or opposition, and lobbies and/or testifies on behalf of the industry when needed. Contact John McMahon at 303 757-5611 or contact ALCC at [email protected].

 This committee is for people who:

  • Have an interest in politics and public policy
  • Are patient
  • Can analyze the big picture

Speakers Bureau 
This busy group of volunteers works on the public image of ALCC. They help decide topics for press releases, serve as resources and spokespeople to the media (might be on TV or quoted in an article), work landscape/garden 'call in' shows, and present topics to garden clubs, HOAs and other groups who are looking for speakers on various landscape topics, from planting to water conservation. The overall goal of the group is to elevate the image of the industry and help set ALCC members apart as the true professionals. Contact Christy Eull.

Sign up for the Speakers Bureau if you:

  • Are creative
  • Like to work with the public and various media

Chapter Leadership 

In six geographic areas around the state, chapter leadership works to provide local programming, networking and general membership connections. Contact us about leadership.

You might be right for chapter leadership if you:

  • Are outgoing and like parties and happy hour
  • Are a team player
  • Want to get to know more people in a smaller setting
  • Want to boost ALCC involvement where you live and work

ELITE Award judges                                                                                                                                                                                                      This group of volunteer's reviews entries in one or more award categories for the ELITE Awards. Judging occurs each fall. Judges are assigned to view blinded entries in one or more award categories and use a rubric to score entries. Scores are combined with other judges to determine the category finalists. Contact Melissa Emdin.

This volunteer opportunity is for those who:

  • Have at least 3-5 years of experience in the landscape industry
  • Specialized experience in a landscape specialty such as landscape construction, design, sustainable landscape design and construction, irrigation and others
  • Ability to review project details and evaluate/score up to 10 landscape projects objectively.

Sustainable landscape management (SLM) training class instructors                                                                                                                    This group of volunteers is charged with teaching the four-hour Sustainable Landscape Management (SLM) training classes. Classes are held 8-10 times per year and are held in-person at locations in the Front Range (Colorado Springs to Fort Collins). Instructors need to have presentation skills and be comfortable with training/speaking to a large group. Previous experience in training or teaching is preferred. A stipend is provided to each instructor after each class. Contact Melissa Emdin at [email protected] for more information.

This volunteer opportunity is for those who:

  • Have attained the SLM certificate
  • Have at least 3-5 years of experience in landscape maintenance
  • Have some experience leading a training class or teaching in a classroom environment

Instructors are also needed to participate in the Irrigation Boot Camp, Technician Boot Camp and other ALCC education offerings. Please contact Melissa Emdin at [email protected] for more information or complete the volunteer sign up form to express your interest.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer contact ALCC for more information. 

2024 ALCC Platinum Sponsors