Sustainable Landscape Partners reduce waste by sharing Email
Tuesday, December 12, 2017 07:00 AM

Sustainable Landscape Partners

ALCC’s Sustainable Landscape Partners are developing a network through which they can reduce waste and reuse materials.

Using social media to communicate, one landscape company can alert other companies participating in the program when there are excess materials up for grabs.

For example, leftover sod from an installation can be offered to whoever can pick it up and make use of it. Got extra pavers removed from a renovation? Just let the group know and see who might want to buy them. Terms of the deal, whether or not it involves payment, is left to the individuals to negotiate.

“So many times, a project is completed but there are leftover materials at the site,” said Becky Garber. “Rather than send it to a landfill or pay for removal, the Sustainable Landscape Partners thought it would be great if the materials could find new life on another landscape project.”

The idea began as a private version of craigslist, as a membership benefit for Sustainable Landscape Partners. As social media use evolves, so does the program, finding better ways to reach more Partner employees. The group is exploring ways to share examples of creative sustainability and use each other as resources for solving sustainability issues.

Sustainable Landscape Partners are united in their desire to take more steps in a sustainable direction, to learn from one another about resources and strategies, and to be more skilled in promoting the green practices they already do to educate consumers and attract more business. For more information about the program, contact Becky Garber at 303 757-5611.

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