Still time to push for H-2B cap relief Email
Friday, April 28, 2017 10:45 AM

Save the H-2B program

We will have another week to push for H2B cap relief. Please keep up your outreach to your lawmakers.

House Floor Today
The House meets at 9 a.m.

STOPGAP FUNDING: The House plans to vote on H.J. Res. 99, which would extend government funding through May 5. The continuing resolution would keep in place the terms of two previous CRs, Public Law 114-223, which ran through Dec. 9, and Public Law 114-254, which runs through today. Funding under the CR would be at an annualized rate of about $1.07 trillion. The measure also would extend health-care payments for retired coal miners.

Senate Floor Today
The Senate meets at 11 a.m.
STOPGAP FUNDING: Look for the Senate to clear the stopgap funding bill after it’s sent over from the House.

Recently on the LAB:
Call your Senators today to support H-2B (4/26/17)
Can't attend the H-2B fly-in? You can still help.
H-2B actions needed ASAP 4-18-17