GreenCO 2024 Legislative Priorities Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Monday, February 26, 2024 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Through GreenCO, ALCC advocates for members and the industry at the state legislature. 

The following policy issues will be closely monitored by GreenCO lobbyists on behalf of ALCC during the 2024 session. There will be additional issues that will come up, and these will be identified by ALCC representatives in the GreenCO Legislative Committee meetings. (Follow them in real time at

The landscape industry in Colorado is facing a pivotal moment as the 2024 legislative session gets underway, with numerous bills introduced, including several that directly affect the industry. Among the key highlights to date are Senate Bill 24-005 focusing on turf replacement, House Bill 24-1178 addressing pesticide regulation, and Senate Bill 24-106 concerning construction defects. Additionally, the sheer volume of bills introduced—nearly 500—underscores the breadth and complexity of issues facing the landscape industry and the broader community. As the session unfolds, stakeholders must navigate this complex and evolving regulatory landscape, remaining vigilant, engaged, and proactive in advocating for their interests. By working collaboratively with policymakers, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders, the ALCC/GreenCO are working to shape policies that promote sustainability, innovation, and resilience in Colorado's built and natural environments.

The Air Quality Control Commission (AQCC) is poised to take final action on the Small Engine Rules in February, 2024. These rules hold particular significance for the landscaping industry, as they pertain to the use of equipment and machinery integral to landscaping operations. As such, landscapers must closely monitor the development of these rules and understand their potential implications on equipment usage and operational practices.

Legislative Update: HB24-1178, introduced in the Colorado House of Representatives, presents a significant shift towards local control in pesticide regulation within the landscaping industry. The bill prioritizes empowering local communities to enact stricter oversight and accountability measures concerning pesticide usage, particularly in outdoor spaces. By granting municipalities and counties greater authority, HB24-1178 is not supported by ALCC/GreenCO.

On the other hand, SB24-005, titled the "Water Conservation and Landscaping Practices Act," represents a significant effort to promote sustainable water usage in outdoor spaces across Colorado. Introduced concurrently in the Colorado Senate, SB24-005 proposes measures to incentivize water-efficient landscaping techniques and establish guidelines for the use of drought-tolerant plants, mulching practices, and smart irrigation systems.

Through rebates, tax incentives, and other incentives, the bill aims to encourage property owners and landscaping professionals to adopt environmentally conscious landscaping practices, contributing to water conservation efforts in the state.

HB24-1008 Wage Claims Construction Industry Contractors Bill Description: Concerning measures to expand general contractor accountability for wage claims involving contractors in the construction industry. GreenCO- Opposes

HB24-1014-Decptive Trade Practices Bill Description: Concerning the elimination of a judicially created requirement that a significant number of consumers be harmed before remedies may be available under the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act" GreenCO-Opposes

HB24-1041- Streamline Filing Sales & Use Tax Returns Bill Description: Concerning the streamlining of processes for filing sales and use tax returns.GreenCO- Monitor

HB24-1083 Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency Bill Description: Concerning insurance coverage for construction professionals. GreenCO Opposed as Introduced

HB24-1178 Local Government Authority to Regulate Pesticides Bill Description: Concerning local government authority to regulate pesticides. GreenCO Opposes

SB24-005 Prohibit Landscaping Practices for Water Conservation Bill Description: Concerning the conservation of water in the state through the prohibition of certain landscaping practices. GreenCO Amending

SB24-023 Hold Harmless for Error in GIS Database Data Bill Description: Concerning the requirement that local taxing jurisdictions hold harmless vendors that rely on erroneous data in certain electronic systems related to sales and use tax that are managed by the department of revenue. GreenCO Monitoring

SB24-025 pdate Local Government Sales & UseTax Collection Bill Description: Concerning local government sales and use taxes administered by the department of revenue, and, in connection therewith, revising, modernizing, and harmonizing various state statues relating to the state-administration of local sales and use tax into one uniform statute. GreenCO Monitoring

SB24-081 Perfluoroalkyl & Polyfluoroalkyl Chemicals Bill Description: Concerning measures to increase protections from perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals. GreenCO Is Reviewing Bill

SB24-100 Commercial Vehicle Highway Safety Measures Bill Description: Concerning commercial vehicle safety measures on Colorado highways. GreenCO is reviewing.

SB24-106 Right to Remedy Construction Defects Bill Description: Concerning legal actions based on claimed defects in construction projects. GreenCO is reviewing-Suggesting Support Position.

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