Women in Green Committee update Email
Written by Colorado Green Now   
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 12:00 AM

Colorado Green Now

Women in Green committee hosts inspiring speaker & What's next

“We’re sprouting,” claim those on ALCC’s Women in Green (WIG) committee. WIG continued their momentum with a second networking event in late April 

Megan Townsend, COO and Co-Founder of Altitude Arborist in Broomfield, was the guest speaker. Townsend presented a condensed version of her presentation, How to take 50 vacation days a year. Charlene Chacon, WIG committee member and residential team manager at Designscapes Colorado, Inc. shares, “Megan was very inspirational as a business owner, mom, and someone who knows what it is like to be a woman in the landscape industry. 

This event had a great turnout including several students from CSU’s Design and Contracting program. Event sponsors Ewing Irrigation &Landscape Supply and Designscapes Colorado, not only sponsored but also were represented by women in attendance 

What's next?

Join ALCC's Women in Green Committee for A Networking Luncheon Event!

Date: Tuesday, September 19
Time:  11:30- 1:00 PM
Location: Fisk Lawnscapes
7135 Templeton Gap Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80923 

The Women in Green networking series is designed to celebrate women's contributions to the industry while creating a space for women in landscaping to come together, network, and acknowledge the unique attributes and skills that women bring to the industry. 

This event is designed for women working in any role within the green industry. Dress is casual, please come as you are. Boxed lunch will be provided. Las hispanohablantes son bienvenidas!

Register and watch for new event postings on alcc.com/events-calendar.  

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