Aspen invites business feedback on water efficiency standards Email
Monday, November 20, 2017 05:30 AM

city of Aspen waterOn Wednesday, November 29, the City of Aspen will hold a meeting with businesses impacted by new water efficiency standards. Landscape and water industry professionals are encouraged to attend and participate in the discussion, sharing their experiences with the new standards.

The meeting will take place from 11:45 AM to 1:15 PM in the Aspen Fire Station meeting room. Attendees at the meeting can ask questions about permitting, get information about certificates, and speak with business owners who have already begun the compliance process.

Aspen created water efficiency standards that apply to landscape water use to support a water efficiency plan created in 2015. The landscape water standards establish criteria for soil, plant material water features, irrigation, and stormwater management. Landscape irrigation plans must be submitted to and approved by the City of Aspen.

While the Water Efficiency Plan is being managed by the Utilities department, the creation and implementation of a landscaping regulation required coordination and time commitments from Parks, Engineering, Building, Community Development, Attorneys, Council Member Ann Mullins, Pitkin County, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The process took over 10 months with over a dozen stakeholder meetings and significant input from private industry involved in landscape design, landscape installation, and landscape maintenance.

For more information, visit

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