Presidential order halts H-2B visas for 2020 Email
Wednesday, June 24, 2020 03:00 AM

US CapitolOn Monday, June 22, the president signed a proclamation suspending entry of all foreign workers through the end of the year. The proclamation includes H-2B workers, though there is an exemption for those H-2B workers directly employed in the food supply chain. This action will have an impact it on Colorado landscape companies that continue to struggle to fill available jobs.

Despite tremendous unemployment following the pandemic, the landscape industry continues to face a labor shortage. In some cases, businesses are being forced to turn down consumers due to a lack of labor.

The H-2B Workforce Coalition issued a statement expressing their disappointment in this development. “While seasonal employers are actively recruiting U.S. workers, many unemployed American workers are not currently seeking other employment because they expect their former jobs to be available as soon as state restrictions are lifted,” the statement read. “The H-2B program protects the jobs of the full-time, year-round American workers, who rely on the H-2B workers to sustain their jobs. Every H-2B worker supports 4.64 American jobs.”

The proclamation notes that the freeze on foreign workers may be reevaluated 60 days from the date the order was issued. Advocacy groups will continue to lobby for review of the order.

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