Better by nature: Safety is part of Zak George Landscaping culture Email
Monday, May 09, 2016 06:00 AM


Zak George Landscaping Safety is an important issue for landscape companies, but even for the most well-intentioned businesses it can be a challenge to keep the team focused on following best practices every day. To maintain that focus, companies like Zak George Landscaping (ZGL) make safety part of their culture.

We spoke with Zak George about how he maintains a culture of safety in his business. During peak season, ZGL employees 50-55 people, and keeping that many staff members thinking about safety is no small feat.

“We have very good culture that we constantly work to improve. I constantly remind everybody that nothing we do is so important that we cannot do it safely,” George told us.

In addition to talking, ZGL follows up with action. They provide weekly training to crews to reinforce the importance of safety; no one is placed on a piece of equipment untrained.

Last October the company celebrated more than one year injury-free. ZGL threw a company party and barbecue for all employees where they spoke about the importance of safety and following protocol to avoid injuries.

ZGL also gave everyone on the team a prize. From gift cards to tools, everyone received something to mark the achievement. George ordered custom bicycles from a local Fort Collins bike shop, and raffled off three of the bikes—the winner could take the bike or equivalent in cash. 

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