Improve your online marketing in just 15 minutes a day Email

We continue to share lessons learned at Facebook Community Boost in Denver. Today we discuss how to become proficient in Facebook marketing through free online courses.

You know your business could benefit from a stronger Facebook presence. But who has the time to learn social media marketing while also running a business? What if you could become an expert in just 15 minutes per day?

Enter Facebook Blueprint, a free service from Facebook that offers dozens of courses, each of which you can complete in just 15 minutes. Classes range from basic lessons in setting up a Facebook Page for your business to advanced lessons in using Facebook ads to target the right customers.

Set a goal to take a lesson each day for one week. Schedule it for the same time each day, and it may just become a habit. Once you’ve taken all of the Blueprint lessons that apply to your business needs, you can add a new learning tool to that daily lesson time. There’s no shortage of online courses that will help you expand your knowledge in just 15 minutes each day.

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