Four tips for networking success Email
Tuesday, February 07, 2017 05:00 AM

People networkingIt’s trade show season in the green industry, which brings opportunities for networking with colleagues. While many would agree that networking is crucial to business success, it can be intimidating. Here are four ways to overcome fear and make your next networking event a worthwhile effort.

  1. Ask questions. Let’s face it—talking to strangers can be difficult, but you can’t network without it. It is far easier if you let others do most of the work. Develop a list of questions—you can even keep a cheat sheet on your smartphone—to ask your new acquaintance. They should be related to the industry and your roles in it.

  2. Bring your business cards. Be sure you have something to leave with your new contacts so they can keep in touch. And don’t forget to charge your phone before the event. If someone you meet hasn’t read these tips yet and runs out of their own cards, you’ll have a way to put them directly into your contact list before you leave.

  3. Set a goal. Enter the room with a plan. If your goal is to speak with five new people, do it. If you manage to do that one hour into a two-hour event, it is completely acceptable to congratulate yourself and call it a night. Don’t force yourself to do more than you feel comfortable doing.

  4. Follow up. After you make your five new acquaintances, you haven’t truly reached your goal until you’ve called, emailed, or otherwise contacted those five people after the event. Chatting at an event isn’t networking if you don’t work to build a relationship beyond that first meeting.

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